Planning and consulting services

With a new site, or even and old one it is important to make a plan. M9 offers planning services that are range from a simple 1 page plan to extensive flow carts and large technical documents. This area and description are a starting point and more or less services can be implement on an individual business needs.

Basic Website Consult/Plan

This service is normally included in our website proposals. These services are a simplified version of our in-depth planning and site consultations we do when the site involved ecommerce, or larger more complicated sites.

We will break down our planning and consulting services in the following way:
This is our most basic service, this services offers you the following are

  1. Meeting and Consultation
  2. Written Document with Description of Work
  3. Simple Flow chart of primary Navigation and features
Standard Website Consult/Plan

This service is a more focused service, and whether you are building your site with us or another company, what this service offers is the opportunity to speak to a website professional before you build or hire a website company.  We will meet to discuss the service that fits your needs, and then a proposal is drafted that lists all services offered and agreed upon prior to commencement of work.

We will break down our planning and consulting services in the following way:
This is our midrange service, this services offers you the following are

  1. Meeting and Consultation
  2. Written Document with Description of Work
  3. Technical document that outlines the navigation functions
  4. Flow Chart of primary Navigation and Sub-pages
Business Website Consult/Plan

This service is a more in-depth service, this is normally required when you are planning to build a e-commerce site, or a full CMS site, a 3rd party software integration, or a customer programmer administration site.
We will break down our planning and consulting services in the following way:
This is our midrange service, this services offers you the following are

  1. Meeting and Consultation
  2. Detailed analysis of your business model and how it applies to the web.
  3. In-depth Written Document with Description of Work
  4. Technical document that outlines the navigation functions
  5. Detailed Flow Chart of primary Navigation, Sub-pages and
  6. Date Base Planning

Overall these listed services and a starting point, additional or fewer services can be added or removed based of you unique needs. This is simply a guideline to assist you in understanding the importance of good planning, and forces you to think about and answer a lot of questions prior to spending a lot of money on something that may be either over built or under servicing your business needs on the web.

I hope this has given you something to think about, but feel free to contact us so we can best discover your website needs.

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